Addressing Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in Panic Disorder: Case Report
Panic, Panic Attack, Panic Disorder, Exposure, Cognitive Behavioral TherapyAbstract
For many years, various studies have been conducted in the literature on what panic disorder is, and it is still being conducted today. Panic disorder is the type of disorder which significantly affects the life of a person and causes significant dysfunction. Panic attacks appear suddenly in the life of the individual, recur and create a feeling of intense fear in the person. Recurrent attacks create expectation anxiety in the individual. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is a widely used evidence-based therapy method. It aims to explain the actions of people based on cognitive and behavioral theory. It emphasizes the relationship between emotions, thoughts, and behaviors. It is known as a therapy method that is used in the treatment of various disorders. CBT is accepted as an effective therapy method which is also used in panic disorder. In this case report, the 5 session of treatment process of a 24 years old single female patient with panic disorder according to DSM-5 criteria was aimed to be explained through cognitive behavioral therapy. Common goals are determined together with the client. Various homework assignments were given to the client to support the process. Exposure and cognitive restructuring technique was used.
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