A Systematic Review on the Use of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Individuals with Separation Anxiety
Anxiety, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, SeparationAbstract
The purpose of this review study is to examine the use of CBT therapy in individuals suffering from Separation Anxiety. In this study, the systematic review method was used and no field study or any scale was used. Experimental studies and randomized controlled studies, published in Turkish and English in Google Scholar databases between 2000 and 2020, and whose abstracts or full text can be accessed with the relevant keywords, are interpreted. This compilation study was carried out in two stages: February, 2024 and May, 2024. As a result of the screening, 8 studies were considered. All studies discussed are experimental studies and randomized controlled studies. As a result of these 8 studies, it is seen that cognitive behavioral therapy is largely effective in patients with separation anxiety. The findings of this review suggest that cognitive behavioral therapy may be helpful in providing long-term lifestyle and behavioral changes, and it has been observed that cognitive behavioral therapy is a therapy method that accelerates recovery and is an effective method in terms of achieving results in a short time.
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